Showing posts with label spread the gospel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spread the gospel. Show all posts


Eastern Lightning | Tribulation Inspired My Love for God

Tribulation Inspired My Love for God

Meng Yong Shanxi Province

    I am by nature an honest person, which is why I have always been bullied by other people. As a result, I have tasted the coldness of the world of man and felt my life empty and without meaning. After I started believing in Almighty God, through the reading of God’s words and living the church life, I enjoyed an earnestness and joy in my heart I had never felt before.

2019 Christian Testimony Video " Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life"

Introduction How to Gain Eternal Life | 2019 Christian Testimony Video "Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life" ...