Showing posts with label salvation,. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salvation,. Show all posts


Review of Disclose the Mystery About the Bible: The Inside Story of the Bible

By Zhao Ming, Czech Republic

The Bible, written over a period of more than one thousand years by over forty authors, carries the highest authority in Christianity. It is regarded as a holy book without a scintilla of error, and also the basis for Christians to believe in God. Here, I’d like to recommend you Disclose the Mystery About the Bible, a movie which explores the inside story of the Bible from an objective perspective with original plot. If you want to have a thorough understanding of the Bible, it is definitely a wonderful piece that you don’t want to miss.

2019 Christian Testimony Video " Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life"

Introduction How to Gain Eternal Life | 2019 Christian Testimony Video "Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life" ...