Showing posts with label The origin of the Church of Almighty God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The origin of the Church of Almighty God. Show all posts


God's Word "The Essential Difference Between the Incarnate God and People Used by God"

God's Word "The Essential Difference Between the Incarnate God and People Used by God" 
Almighty God says, "The incarnate God can do the work of divinity, but the people used by God cannot. At the beginning of each age, God’s Spirit speaks personally to launch the new era and bring man to a new beginning. When He finishes His speaking, it signifies that God’s work in divinity is done. Thereafter, people all follow the lead of those used by God to enter life experience. Similarly, in this stage God brings man into the new age and gives everyone a new start. With this, God’s work in the flesh concludes."

Recommendation: Eastern Lightning   The origin of the Church of Almighty God


Discover the Mysteries of The Bible | Gospel Movie "Break the Spell" | Eastern Lightning

Discover the Mysteries of The Bible | Gospel Movie "Break the Spell" | Eastern Lightning 
    Fu Jinhua was an elder of a house church in China. Like many other Christians, she enthusiastically dedicated herself to the Lord, and toiled hard in her labor for Him. She was particularly self-confident, and thought herself to be someone who truly loved the Lord. Having followed the Lord for many years, she wholeheartedly believed that the Bible was inspired by God, and that the words in the Bible were all God's words. Therefore, in her mind, she equated believing in the Lord with believing in the Bible. She thought that those who departed from the Bible could not be called followers of the Lord. She also believed that she needed only to adhere to the Bible to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord descends with the clou

2019 Christian Testimony Video " Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life"

Introduction How to Gain Eternal Life | 2019 Christian Testimony Video "Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life" ...