Showing posts with label God's new work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's new work. Show all posts


Christian Movie Clip "Red Re-Education at Home" (5) - How Should Christianity Be Understood?

It is common knowledge that Christianity, Catholicism, and the Eastern Orthodox Church are all religions that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the appearance and work of Christ of the last days.


32. Every Word of God Is an Expression of His Disposition

32. Every Word of God Is an Expression of His Disposition

Hu Ke Dezhou City, Shandong Province

Whenever I saw these words spoken by God, I felt anxious: “Every sentence I have spoken holds the disposition of God. You would do well to ponder My words carefully, and you will surely profit greatly from them.”

2019 Christian Testimony Video " Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life"

Introduction How to Gain Eternal Life | 2019 Christian Testimony Video "Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life" ...