Showing posts sorted by relevance for query knowing God. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query knowing God. Sort by date Show all posts


What exactly is the true belief in God? How should one believe in God in order to obtain His praise?

What exactly is the true belief in God? How should one believe in God in order to obtain His praise? 

Relevant Words of God: 

 Though many people believe in God, few understand what faith in God means, and what they must do to be after God’s heart. This is because, though people are familiar with the word “God” and phrases such as “the work of God,” they do not know God, much less do they know His work.


God Himself, the Unique II

God’s Righteous Disposition Part Five

(III) Five Types of People

For the time being, I will leave our fellowship about God’s righteous disposition finished at that. Next I will classify God’s followers into several categories, according to their understanding of God and their understanding and experience with His righteous disposition, so that you may know the stage you currently belong to as well as your current stature. In terms of their knowledge of God and their understanding of His righteous disposition, the different stages and statures which people occupy can generally be separated into five types. This topic is predicated on the basis of knowing the unique God and His righteous disposition; therefore, as you read the following content, you should carefully attempt to figure out exactly how much understanding and knowledge you have regarding God’s uniqueness and His righteous disposition, and then use this to judge which stage you truly belong to, how large your stature truly is, and which type of person you truly are.


Knowing God Is the Path to Fearing God and Shunning Evil

Everyone should examine anew his life of believing in God to see whether, in the pursuit of God, he has truly understood, truly comprehended, and truly come to know God, whether he truly knows what attitude God bears to the various types of human beings, and whether he truly understands what God is working upon him and how God defines his every act.


God Himself, the Unique II

God’s Righteous Disposition Part One

Now that you have listened to the previous fellowship about God’s authority, I am confident that you are equipped with quite an array of words on the matter. How much you can accept, grasp and understand all depends on how much effort you will apply to it. It is My hope that you can approach this matter earnestly; by no means should you deal with it half-heartedly! Now, is knowing God’s authority equal to knowing God’s entirety? One can say that knowing God’s authority is the beginning of knowing the unique God Himself, and one could also say that knowing God’s authority means that one has already stepped into the gate of knowing the substance of the unique God Himself. This understanding is one part of knowing God. What is the other part, then? This is the subject that I would like to fellowship about today—God’s righteous disposition.


God used Moses to do the work of the Age of Law, so why doesn’t God use people to do His work of judgment in the last days, but instead He must needs become flesh to do it Himself?

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God, Judgment
The church of Almighty God |  judgment in the last days
On the one hand, God incarnate’s work of judgment in the last days is to judge, purify and save mankind, on the other hand, and more importantly, God does His work through expression of the truth and expression of God’s disposition and all that He has and is to allow all of mankind to truly know and understand God, and see the appearance of God in the flesh. Let’s read some passages of Almighty God’s word.


God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself II (Part One)

       During our last meeting we shared a very important topic. Do you remember what it was? Let Me repeat it. The topic of our last fellowship was: God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself. Is this an important topic to you? Which part of it is most important to you? God’s work, God’s disposition, or God Himself? Which one interests you most? Which part do you want to hear about most? I know it’s difficult for you to answer that question, because God’s disposition can be seen in every aspect of His work, and His disposition is revealed in His work always and in all places, and, in effect, represents God Himself; in God’s overall management plan, God’s work, God’s disposition, and God Himself are all inseparable from each other.


God Himself, the Unique VII Part One

(I) An Overview of God’s Authority, God’s Righteous Disposition, and God’s Holiness

When you have finished your prayers, do your hearts feel calm in the presence of God? (Yes.) If a person’s heart can be calmed, they will be able to hear and understand the word of God and they will be able to hear and understand the truth. If your heart is unable to be calmed, if your heart is always adrift, or always thinking of other things, it will affect your coming together to hear the word of God.


Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | A Cappella "The Result Achieved by Knowing God" | Gospel Music


The Result Achieved by Knowing God
One day,
you will feel that the Creator
is no longer a riddle,
that the Creator has never been hidden from you,
that the Creator
has never concealed His face from you,
that the Creator is not at all far from you,
that the Creator is no longer the One that you constantly long for in your thoughts but that you cannot reach with your feelings,
that He is really and truly standing guard to your left and right,
supplying your life, and controlling your destiny, controlling your destiny.


Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | A Cappella "The Result Achieved by Knowing God" (Music Video)

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | A Cappella "The Result Achieved by Knowing God" (Music Video)

The Result Achieved by Knowing God
One day,
you will feel that the Creator
is no longer a riddle,
that the Creator has never been hidden from you,
that the Creator
has never concealed His face from you,
that the Creator is not at all far from you,
that the Creator is no longer the One that you constantly long for in your thoughts but that you cannot reach with your feelings,
that He is really and truly standing guard to your left and right,
supplying your life, and controlling your destiny, controlling your destiny.


The Hymn of God's Word | The Result Achieved by Knowing God

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Church Life
The Hymn of God's Word | The Result Achieved by Knowing God

The Hymn of God's Word | The Result Achieved by Knowing God

One day, you'll feel the Creator's no more a riddle, He's never been hidden, never covered His face from you; He's not far from you at all; He's no longer the One you yearn for day and night but can't reach with your feelings. He is genuinely standing guard around your side, supplying your life, and controlling your fate. He's not on the distant horizon, nor is He hidden in the clouds. He is right by your side, reigning over your all. He's your everything and your only One.


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work (Part Four)

Understand God’s Attitude and Drop All Misconceptions of God

This God that you currently believe in, have you ever thought about what kind of God He is? When He sees an evil person doing evil things, does He despise it? (He despises it.) When He sees the mistakes of ignorant people, what is His attitude? (Sadness.) When He sees people stealing His offerings, what is His attitude? (He despises them.) This is all very clear, right? When He sees someone being careless in their belief in God, and in no way seeking after the truth, what is God’s attitude?


God Himself, the Unique IV

God’s Holiness (I) Part Three

Now that we have finished talking about Satan, let us return to talking about our God. During God’s six-thousand-year management plan, very little of God’s direct speech has been recorded in the Bible, and that which has been recorded is very simple. So let us start at the beginning. God created man and since then has ever led the life of mankind. Whether in giving mankind blessings, giving them the laws and His commandments, or stipulating the various rules for life, do you know what God’s intended aim is in doing these things? Firstly, can you say for sure all that God does is for the good of mankind?


God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself II (Part One)

The Work of God’s Management and Salvation of Mankind Begins With Abraham’s Offering of Isaac

Having given Abraham a son, the words that God had spoken to Abraham were fulfilled. This does not mean that God’s plan stopped here; on the contrary, God’s magnificent plan for the management and salvation of mankind had only just begun, and His blessing of a son to Abraham was but a prelude to His overall management plan. At that moment, who knew that God’s battle with Satan had quietly begun when Abraham offered Isaac?


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work (Part Five)

Man’s Fate Is Decided by His Attitude Toward God

      God is a living God, and just as people perform differently in different situations, God’s attitude toward these performances differs because He is not a puppet, nor is He empty air. Getting to know God’s attitude is a worthy pursuit for mankind. People should learn how, by knowing God’s attitude, they can know God’s disposition and understand His heart bit by bit. When you come to understand God’s heart bit by bit, you won’t feel that fearing God and shunning evil is a difficult thing to accomplish.


God Himself, the Unique V

God’s Holiness (II) Part Four

E. How Satan Uses Social Trends to Corrupt Man

Are social trends a new phenomenon? (No.) So when did they begin? Could one say that social trends came to be when Satan started corrupting people? (Yes.) What do social trends include? (Style of clothing and makeup.) This is something people often come into contact with. Clothing style, fashion, and trends, this is a small aspect. Is there anything else?


How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work (Part Two)

Walk in God's Way: Fear God and Shun Evil

     There’s a saying you should take note of. I believe this saying is very important, because for Me it comes to mind countless times every single day. Why is that? Because every time I’m faced with someone, every time I hear someone’s story, every time I hear of someone’s experience or their testimony of believing in God, I always use this saying to weigh whether or not this individual is the type of person God wants, the type of person God likes.


By Grasping These Four Points, We Will Become Closer to God

4 Principles on How to Be Closer to God
Feb 3, 2019

By Xiaomo, China

The Bible says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (James 4:8). As Christians, only by drawing closer to God and having real interaction with God can we maintain a normal relationship with God and obtain the work of the Holy Spirit. It is just like two people associating with each other, who can only keep their close relationship going for a long time by being more open with each other, communicating more when they encounter issues, and by understanding and respecting each other. In this age of fast-paced life, however, busy jobs, complicated relationships and evil social trends draw us in and occupy us more and more. Our hearts are easily disturbed by the people, events and things of the outside world, and they prevent us from maintaining a normal relationship with God.


God Himself, the Unique I

God’s Authority (I) Part Four

The Creator’s Authority Is Not Constrained by Time, Space, or Geography, and the Creator’s Authority Is Inestimable

Let us look at Genesis 22:17-18. This is another passage spoken by Jehovah God, in which He said to Abraham, “That in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is on the sea shore; and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; And in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because you have obeyed my voice.”


God Himself, the Unique I

God’s Authority (I) Part One

My last several fellowships were about God’s work, God’s disposition, and God Himself. After hearing these fellowships, do you feel that you have gained an understanding and knowledge of God’s disposition? How great of an understanding and knowledge? Can you put a number to it? Did these fellowships give you a deeper understanding of God? Could it be said that this understanding is a true knowledge of God? Could it be said that this knowledge and understanding of God is a knowledge of the entire substance of God, and all that He has and is? No, obviously not!


God Himself, the Unique VII Part Three

(II) God Is the Source of Life for All Things

Having discussed thus far, do you feel that you have a partial understanding of the connotation of the phrase “God Is the Source of Life for All Things”? (Yes.) I knew that when I discussed this topic many people would immediately think of how God is truth and how His word provides for us, but they would only think of it on this level. Some would even feel that God’s providing for human life, providing daily food and drink and all daily necessities doesn’t count as providing for man. Do some people feel this way? (Yes.) Isn’t God’s intent very clear in how He created everything so that mankind may exist and live normally? God maintains the environment in which people live and He provides all of the things this mankind needs. Furthermore, He manages and holds dominion over all things.

2019 Christian Testimony Video " Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life"

Introduction How to Gain Eternal Life | 2019 Christian Testimony Video "Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life" ...