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Showing posts sorted by date for query the last days. Sort by relevance Show all posts


God Saves Those Who Worship God and Shun Evil

A Hymn of God's Words
God Saves Those Who
Worship God and Shun Evil

In the time of Noah, mankind had strayed, became deeply corrupt, and they lost the blessing of God, no longer cared for by God, devoid of His promises. Without God's light, they were living in darkness, became promiscuous by nature, abandoned to hideous corruption. Only Noah shunned evil and worshiped God, so he was able to hear the voice of Godand hear the instructions of God, building the ark according to God's command. He assembled all manner of living creatures of every kind and way and feature. When all had had its preparations, God unleashed the world's destruction.


Christian Film "The People of the Heavenly Kingdom" Clip 1


Christian Film "The People of the Heavenly Kingdom" Clip 1 - A Christian Acts Honestly and Receives God's Blessing

The Lord Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3). Christian Cheng Nuo is a doctor. In her life, she strives to be an honest person according to the Lord's words.


Christian Daily Devotional: What Is a Wise Virgin?

Preparing for the Coming of the Lord

Sister Mu Zhen,

Peace to you in the Lord! I’m so happy you’ve written. You’ve mentioned in your letter that the day of the Lord’s coming is near, and that you are intentionally reading Scripture and praying more, and doing more work for the Lord so that you can be one of the wise virgins who is vigilantly awaiting the Lord’s coming. However, these things have not sharpened your spiritual acuity or increased your faith or love for the Lord. You’re confused about whether you can be counted as a wise virgin by seeking this way and would like to know what sort of practice you should have to be able to welcome the Lord. Sister Mu Zhen, this question you’ve raised is critical for whether or not we can welcome the Lord. All of us want to be wise virgins who can welcome His return and attend the banquet of the kingdom of heaven with Him—no one wants to be a foolish virgin and be cast aside by the Lord, but what kind of practice is actually being a wise virgin? I’d like to share my personal understanding of this issue—I hope it’ll be helpful for you.


English Gospel Song - 2019 Gospel Music | Praise and Worship Song "God Has Brought His Glory to the East"

English Gospel Song - 2019 Hymn About God's Glory | "God Has Brought His Glory to the East"

Verse 1

God gave Israel His glory, took it away, then brought the Israelites and all mankind to the East to reunite with the light, relate to it, so they no longer have to go and search for it.


2019 Christian Gospel Song With Lyrics | "Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom"


2019 Christian Gospel Song With Lyrics | "Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom"

When Jesus came to the world of man, He ended the Age of Law, and He brought the Age of Grace.In the last days God became flesh once more,He ended the Age of Grace and He brought the Age of Kingdom. Those who accept the second incarnation of God will be led to the Kingdom Age and accept God’s guidance.


Christian Worship Song With Lyrics "God’s Love and Essence Has Always Been Selfless"


Christian Worship Song With Lyrics | "God's Love and Essence Has Always Been Selfless"

God gives His best, His best side He gives. The best things, very best things, He gives. Never disclosing or showing His suffering. God, He endures, waiting in silence. Not cold or numb, not a sign of weakness. God’s essence and His love are always selfless.


2019 Christian Skit "Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven If We Gain Salvation?" (English Dubbed)


2019 Christian Skit "Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven If We Gain Salvation?" (English Dubbed)

Zhang Mude is a preacher at a house church, and he believes that "For with the heart man believes to righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made to salvation" (Romans 10:10). He thinks that because he believes in the Lord Jesus, he is already called righteous, that he has already gained salvation, and that when the Lord returns, he will be directly raptured up into the kingdom of heaven. One day, his daughter returns home from missionary work in other regions and tells her parents wonderful news: their long-awaited Lord Jesus has returned, that He is Almighty God, and that He has begun the work of judgment beginning with God's house in the last days.


English Christian Devotional Song With Lyrics "Have a Normal Relationship With God to Be Perfected"


English Christian Devotional Song With Lyrics "Have a Normal Relationship With God to Be Perfected"


Only when your relationship with God is normal, will you be able to attain perfection from God, and then will God’s discipline and refinement and pruning in you achieve the effect desired. You’re able to have a place for God in your heart,  not seek your own benefits and think about the future. But you bear the burden of entering life, submit to God’s work and pursue God’s truth. This way, the aims you seek aren’t wrong, and you have a normal relationship with Go The first step to entry into one’s spiritual journey is fixing their relationship with God. Although man’s destiny is in God’s hands, ordained and can’t be changed by themselves, whether you can be made perfect or you can be gained by God depends on whether or not you have a normal relationship with God.


2019 Christian Reflections "Have You Truly Repented?"


2019 Christian Reflections "Have You Truly Repented?"

The Lord Jesus said, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). Once, Zhang Ming'en was a preacher at a house church. He believed in the Lord for many years, and for all that time, he preached, worked, suffered, and expended for the Lord. After he accepted God's work of the last days, he was able to accept and submit to any duty arranged for him by the church, and he believed that through these good deeds, he had achieved genuine repentance and change. But,


The True Embodiment of the Creator’s Authority

The True Embodiment of the Creator's Authority

Man's fate and the universe are tightly intertwined with the Creator's sovereignty. They're inseparably tied to His authority and all He orchestrates. And through the laws of everything, man comes to understand the power of His sovereignty and arrangements by His hand, with all He dominates and all He orchestrates. Through the rules of survival, through the fates of all things, man knows how God rules everything. His power reigns supreme. No creature can violate God's sovereignty. No force can change things destined by God. It's through His laws that life lives and propagates age after age. This is the truth, this is the truth of, this is the truth of His authority.


26 If Eastern Lightning Is the True Way, Why Is It Oppressed?

If Eastern Lightning Is the True Way, Why Is It Oppressed?
Apr 12, 2019

Hello, brothers and sisters of Spiritual Q&A,

I’ve been looking into the way of Eastern Lightning for some time now. By reading Almighty God’s words and watching The Church of Almighty God’s gospel films and videos, I’ve learned about the purpose of God’s three stages of work, the mysteries of God’s incarnations, the significance of God taking on a different name in each age, the inside story of the Bible, what a wise virgin is and what a foolish virgin is, what truly being raptured is, how God’s judgment of the last days cleanses, transforms, and perfects people, plus what people’s destinations and outcomes will be. I’ve come to understand so many truths I never did before and my faith and love for God have been restored. I’ve had a lot of spiritual enjoyment. I’ve seen that Almighty God’s words are the truth; they possess authority and might and couldn’t be uttered by a human being. They are utterances that come from the Holy Spirit. I feel that Eastern Lightning must be the true way. However, some of the pastors and elders in religious circles say that if it were the true way, why would it be so suppressed, persecuted, and condemned by the CCP? I’m not clear on this and want to do more seeking.


2019 Christian Skit "Have You Truly Repented?"

2019 Christian Skit "Have You Truly Repented?"

The Lord Jesus said, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). Once, Zhang Ming'en was a preacher at a house church. He believed in the Lord for many years, and for all that time, he preached, worked, suffered, and expended for the Lord. After he accepted God's work of the last days, he was able to accept and submit to any duty arranged for him by the church, and he believed that through these good deeds, he had achieved genuine repentance and change.


2019 Christian Family Movie Trailer "A Mother's Love" | Based on a True Story


Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd.


Why Do Christians Risk Their Lives to Preach the Gospel and Witness for God?

Why Do Christians Risk Their Lives to Preach the Gospel and Witness for God?
Oct 22, 2017

The Church of Almighty God, Prayer, God's words, Church life

Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Hou Xiangke (Chief of the Public Security Bureau): It is absolutely impossible for you to believe in God and preach the gospel in a country ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. Whoever insists on believing in God and spreading the gospel will be terminated. Do you know how many Christians have suffered tragic death in prison? Do you know how many Christians were killed and their families shattered? No one can defy the power of the Communist Party! If you insist on believing in God and spreading the gospel, then your fate is imprisonment and death! Do you see this outcome clearly?


02 What’s Most Important in Life? A King’s Last Words Provide Food for Thought

What’s Most Important in Life? A King’s Last Words Provide Food for Thought

Mar 31, 2019

By Mo Yan

I happened to stumble on a story from history while on my phone one day—it was really inspiring for me, so I wanted to share it with others. The story goes like this: Alexander the Great was one of the most successful military commanders in history. He became very ill on his return journey from his victorious military campaign, and just as he was about to die, he shared his three last wishes with his generals. First, he wanted his physicians to carry his coffin back, and he wanted the road to the cemetery where his coffin was to be taken to be strewn with gold, silver, and precious stones. Lastly, he wanted both of his hands to be placed so they were outside of the coffin. Alexander explained that by doing so, he wished to impart three lessons upon the living. First, no matter how great a physician’s skill, they cannot save people’s lives; they cannot determine a person’s life and death. Second, it isn’t worth it to spend an entire life in the pursuit of wealth; it’s a waste of precious time. And finally, each one of us comes into this world empty-handed, and we will leave empty-handed. We can’t take a single thing with us.


2019 Christian Video "Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven If We Gain Salvation?"


2019 Christian Video "Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven If We Gain Salvation?"

Zhang Mude is a preacher at a house church, and he believes that "For with the heart man believes to righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made to salvation" (Romans 10:10). He thinks that because he believes in the Lord Jesus, he is already called righteous, that he has already gained salvation, and that when the Lord returns, he will be directly raptured up into the kingdom of heaven. One day,


Christian Devotionals: Will the Lord Jesus Still Be Called Jesus When He Returns in the Last Days?

Christian Devotionals: Will the Lord Jesus Still Be Called Jesus When He Returns in the Last Days?
Mar 26, 2019

By Han Lei

Over the last two millennia, Christians have been praying, preaching, curing sicknesses, and driving out demons all in the name of the Lord Jesus with the firm belief that He is our sole Savior, we can only be saved through Jesus’ name, and that the name of the Lord Jesus will remain forever unchanged. Just as it is written: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12), and “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8). That’s what I always thought, too. But a few days ago, while doing my devotionals I saw this in the Book of Revelation


Christian Crosstalk "Going Outside the Bible" | Can We Gain Eternal Life by Keeping to the Bible?


Christian Crosstalk "Going Outside the Bible" | Can We Gain Eternal Life by Keeping to the Bible?

Xiang Yang works at a house church, and just like many religious believers, he thinks that God's words and work are all in the Bible, that believing in the Lord means believing in the Bible, that the Bible represents the Lord, and that if he abides by the Bible, he will enter the kingdom of heaven and gain eternal life. Brother Zhang Yi, who has just accepted God's work of the last days, has doubts about this view.


Christian Testimonies | With the Grace of God I Found a True Home

Christian Testimonies | With the Grace of God I Found a True Home
Mar 4, 2019

By Xiaolin, United States

I Hate Dad—He Ruined Our Family

Crash … Bang …
“Dammit, say that one more time and I’ll make you sorry! …”

The clamor of fighting broke through the peaceful silence of the night, startling my sister and I awake. We realized our parents were fighting again. Since our mom found out that our dad was seeing another woman, she smiled less, and at any mention of him her eyes filled with discontent and sorrow. From then on they never stopped fighting—I couldn’t even remember how many times they had argued. When my sister and I ran into their room crying, we just saw dad reaching out to hit mom. Crying, I dragged at dad’s arm as hard as I could, but he was too strong and I couldn’t hold him back. That night, he broke two of her ribs. She couldn’t withstand such a life of suffering any longer, so after she healed she left home and got a job in another area.


CenSAMM Symposium The Millennium: A Mystery No More

From June 28-29, 2018, at the Panacea Museum Gardens in Bedford, UK, the Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements (CenSAMM) held a symposium about apocalyptic literature, the final disaster, and the Millennium. The event was attended by such renowned religious experts and scholars as Christopher Rowland, Dean Ireland’s Emeritus Professor of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture, University of Oxford, Massimo Introvigne, Managing Director of CESNUR, the Center for Studies on New Religions in Italy, and Matthew Askey, a priest serving at Southwell Minster Cathedra in Nottinghamshire. During the symposium, Professor Introvigne gave a lecture entitled “Filming the Age of Kingdom”. Partly based on The Church of Almighty God musical Human Beings Have Regained the Sanctity They Once Possessed, this stimulating and refreshing lecture provided a clear interpretation of the appearance of the Millennial Kingdom (the Millennium).

2019 Christian Testimony Video " Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life"

Introduction How to Gain Eternal Life | 2019 Christian Testimony Video "Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life" ...