Showing posts with label Eastern Lightning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eastern Lightning. Show all posts


2019 Christian Skit | "Wishful Thinking" | Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven by Following Paul?

2019 Christian Skit | "Wishful Thinking" | Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven by Following Paul?

Li Mingdao is a preacher at a house church. He has believed in the Lord for many years, and has always followed Paul's example, focusing on preaching, work, suffering, and paying a price. He believes that "as long as one labors and works, one can enter the kingdom of heaven, be rewarded, and gain a crown." But, at a meeting with his coworkers, Brother Zhang raises doubts about this view.


Movie Clip "Deadly Ignorance" (1) - Whose Words Should Be Heeded When Investigating the True Way


Movie Clip "Deadly Ignorance" (1) - Whose Words Should Be Heeded When Investigating the True Way

Many genuine believers in the Lord who long for the appearance of God have read Almighty God's words, all acknowledge that they are the truth, that they are God's voice, and are willing to seek and investigate the true way.


A Christian’s Inspirational Story How to Completely Free Oneself From Gaming Addiction Is No Longer a Difficult Question

Jan 16, 2019

By Yangying, United States

The First Time I See an Online Game, I’m Filled With Curiosity

While studying at vocational school, I chose to major in computer science. I hadn’t been at the school long when I heard from a classmate that many people were playing online games, and how fun and interesting they were, and that those who couldn’t play them were behind the times. Hearing my classmate say this, my interest in playing these games was even more piqued, and so, with a mind filled with curiosity, my career with playing games began.


The Word of God | "Only the Perfected Can Live a Meaningful Life"


The Word of God | "Only the Perfected Can Live a Meaningful Life"

Almighty God says, "Those who have been perfected are not just able to achieve obedience after being conquered, but they are also able to have knowledge of the work of judgment, change their disposition, and know God. They experience the path of loving God and are filled with the truth. They know how to experience God’s work, are able to suffer for God, and have their own wills.


God’s Mercy Allows Me to Be Revived Again

The Hymn of Life Experience

God’s Mercy

Allows Me to Be Revived Again

I offended God’s disposition, following that into darkness I fell. Had my fill of Satan’s tortures there, how forlorn and helpless I was. Having a guilty conscience, I felt I was in deep torments. Only then did I know how blessed it is to have a peaceful conscience. I’ve missed so many chances to be perfected; failed to live up to God’s kind intention. Even if I’d offer my all to Him, how could I heal the wound of God’s heart. O God, Practical God, how I wish to be a new man! How I wish to be a new man and make a fresh new start! I wish to make a fresh new start, make a fresh new start.


Christian Movie Trailer "The People of the Heavenly Kingdom"

2019 Christian Movie Trailer "The People of the Heavenly Kingdom"

How to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven The Lord Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3). The Lord Jesus told us that only honest people can enter the kingdom of heaven; only honest people can be people of the kingdom. This movie tells the story of the Christian Cheng Nuo's experience of God's work and the course of her pursuit to become an honest person in life.


The Ever-fresh Vistas of the Kingdom

The Ever-fresh Vistas of the Kingdom

In the East, the rising sun shines through misty skies, and the kingdom of great beauty in this world materialized. World embraces a new life, all things revitalized. Oh! The dawn has come now. Oh! The light is before our eyes. Hope of two thousand years is finally realized. The years of woe are over, no more bleak days and nights. Hallelujah! (Hallelujah!) Hallelujah! (Hallelujah!) Hallelujah! (Hallelujah!) Hallelujah! (Hallelujah!)


English Gospel Song "Only Those Who Accept the Truth Can Hear God's Voice"


Only Those Who Accept  the Truth Can Hear God’s Voice

Where there is the appearance of God,

there’s expression of the truth and the voice of God.

Only those who accept the truth

can hear God’s voice and witness His appearance.


Forever Praising and Singing to God

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God, church life, God's word
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Forever Praising and Singing to God
God becomes flesh, appears in China,expressing the truth to judge and to cleanse all mankind.He's brought forth His salvation.People from all nations come to celebrate.Forever praising and singing His name.Never before had we ever dreamed to see the face of God.The judgment and trial that He gives cleanses and makes us complete.Our life disposition has now been transformed.Forever praising and singing His name.The words of Almighty God show His omnipotence,having conquered our hearts,bringing us the true life.We enjoy all the love that we receive from Him.Forever praising and singing His name.


The Power of Prayer—Witnessing a Miracle Amidst Despair

By Zhao Zhihan, China

As we journey through life, every one of us will experience some extraordinary events which become inscribed on our memory and will never be forgotten. The experience that has left me with the deepest impression was the time my husband was involved in a car accident, when no one knew whether he would pull through or not, and the days that followed, during which I felt at a complete loss and was at the end of my tether. But what was different for me was that, because God was with me and I had His guidance, I thus had a support, and through praying to God and relying on Him, I witnessed a miracle in the midst of my despair. During that disastrous time, what I gained more was understanding of God’s authority and sovereignty, and a true appreciation of God’s love …


The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything Wins Audience Acclaim at Canadian Film Festival

 The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything Wins Audience Acclaim at Canadian Film Festival

On September 14, 2018, Toronto, located on the shores of Lake Ontario in North America, welcomed the 2nd Canadian International Faith & Family Film Festival (CIFF). This film festival was established particularly for films related to family and faith in order to promote more understanding and recognition of these kinds of films among the general public and showcase the most excellent films on these topics from across the globe.


Christian Movie Clip "Child, Come Back Home" (3) - Sincere Faith in God Can Successfully Break Web Addiction


Movie Clip "Child, Come Back Home" (3) - Sincere Faith in God Can Successfully Break Web Addiction

The teenage web addict, Li Xinguang, was afflicted by his addiction to the internet. After man-made methods to get him to quit had failed and he had come to a dead end, he came to believe sincerely in God, he prayed to God and relied on God, and he found the way to successfully break his web addiction.


Clip (4) - Experiences and Testimony of Successfully Breaking Web Addiction After Believing in God


Clip (4) - Experiences and Testimony of Successfully Breaking Web Addiction After Believing in God

Many young web addicts would like to quit the internet, but they can't ever control themselves. After repeated failures, they get discouraged and disappointed, believing that quitting the internet is hopeless.


Christian Movie Clip "Child, Come Back Home" (2) - Why Is the World So Dark and Evil


Christian Movie Clip "Child, Come Back Home" (2) - Why Is the World So Dark and Evil

With many youngsters now enthralled by online gaming and unable to break free, and with each generation of youngsters worse than the last,


Movie Clip "Child, Come Back Home" (1) - There Is a Way to Break the Addiction of Young Web Addicts


Movie Clip "Child, Come Back Home" (1) - There Is a Way to Break the Addiction of Young Web Addicts

There are many youngsters in modern society who are enthralled by online gaming and are unable to free themselves. This has a severe impact on both their health and their studies.


English Christian Song 2018 "God Has Revealed His Entire Disposition to Man"


God Has Revealed His Entire Disposition to Man

The Spirit of God has done such great work ever since the world was created.

He has done different works in different nations, and across different ages.

The people of each age see His different dispositions

naturally revealed for all people to see

and shown through works that are different.

He is God, filled with mercy, filled with loving kindness.

He’s man’s sin offering and shepherd.

Yet He gives judgment, curse, and chastisement. A curse on man.

He could lead man on earth for 2,000 years or more

and redeem corrupt man from sin.


What Is the Meaning of Christmas, and Are You Truly Worshiping the Lord Jesus

Christmas Reflection: Are You Truly Worshiping the Lord Jesus?
December 8, 2018

By Siyuan

The Origins of Christmas

Every year, as Christmas approaches, shops on the street arrange a dazzling display of Christmas presents, with Santa Claus and Christmas trees, and so on. Festooned in trees and on buildings there are many-colored lights, and whole cities are decorated with lanterns and colored hangings, and everywhere there is joy and excitement. To Christianity, Christmas is a very special holiday, and several months before Christmas, many churches will begin to busy themselves preparing everything necessary for the Christmas holiday. On Christmas Day, the churches are filled, and brothers and sisters get involved in the celebrations, eating Christmas dinner, putting on performances and worshiping the Lord Jesus, and so on.


English Christian Song "God's Love Has Melted My Heart"


English Christian Song "God's Love Has Melted My Heart"

Hearing Your kind call, I return before You.

Your words enlighten, I see my corruption.


I’ve often been cold to You, hurt and saddened You,

hard-hearted, rebelled, left You alone.

Why is Your love for man repaid with pain?

I hate my hard heart and my deep corruption.

Filthy, unworthy to see You, of Your love.

I am such a rebellious person,

how could I know Your heart, see Your love?

Your love is so real, I owe You so much.

You keep me company when I’m chastised.

Your heart aches with love when I’m refined.

When I’m sad, You’re there. What I lack, You give.

Facing Your love, my heart wants to break.

Your love has melted my frozen heart,

and now I have had a change of heart.


A Father and His Step-Daughter Surpass the Ties of Blood

By Xia Zixuan, Hubei Province

A Grey Childhood

There was no mother and no father around when Zixuan was growing up; she didn’t know what the cakes the children from the city talked about tasted like, and she’d never seen a goldfish blow bubbles in a fish tank. On no evening did she ever hear the stories of Grimm’s fairytales, but instead she listened to her grandpa tell her the story of The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants. Her real father leaving and her mother remarrying had brought about feelings of inferiority when she was little, and even more so had become a shadow in the depth of her heart that she could not drive away. Especially when she saw the other children with their parents, caring for them and being with them, Zixuan’s heart would ache with pain.


New 2018 Gospel Song "The Purpose of God's Management Work"


New 2018 Gospel Song "The Purpose of God's Management Work"


God has a 6,000-year management plan, split into three phases, each called an age.
Age of Law first, then Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom is the final phase.
While God’s work differs in each, it all accords to what mankind needs,
or to be more precise, it accords to the tricks used by Satan while battling Him.

2019 Christian Testimony Video " Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life"

Introduction How to Gain Eternal Life | 2019 Christian Testimony Video "Believers in the Son Have Everlasting Life" ...